Saturday, November 27, 2010

U r in HAPPINESS business or else not in Business !!!

Do u know people become CUSTOMER just to become Happy or happier??

Feeling of HAPPINESS is ultimate one can think of and Companies can offer  through their offerings, be it product or services or experience.Whether u r selling Coffin or have Gaming Store at Las Vegas, its all abt HAPPINESS. Coffin seller can also WOW!!! and offer surprise HAPPINESS. 

Now in this bottom-line of HAPPINESS , how successful is your company with all their hard and soft assets??

I as a customer not concerned with yr SOPs or Systems, Technology & Processes.  I am not concerned how much profit do u make of how much asset u own. I am least concerned with yr market cap (Unless of-course I am also a shareholder). 

All of us are in the business of Delivering Happiness. How may of us realise that?? Earlier you realise better it is , as then  & only then your action will commensurate with the business u r in. Pause and Re think,  what r u doing in this World of Stress and suffering from Attention Deficit!!!

Not ROI/EBIDTA/EPS its only HAPPINESS that counts.Make people HAPPY with whatever u r doing. Its is the only business which is in HUGE demand.


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