Products we buy:
1) Fresh with no customer reviews , not sure whether it will serve the purpose , moderate on promise , moderate perceptions about delivery , proven side effects of the company it belongs to.
Fresh Product from Lousy Govt Company ( Side effects: ineffective , require repairs or call back as not proven track record of delivery , moderate chances of wasting our resources if it fails , Coming from Govt company so issues will be addressed on scaling up )
2) Fresh but with some customer reviews, not confident whether it will last long. High on promise , low on delivery , may have major side effects.
Chinese Products ( Side effects: health hazard, unsafe for use , high chances of wasting our resources if it fails, issues cant be addressed if it fails as comes without guarantee )
3) Experienced with customer reviews some bad and many good , confident that it can be long lasting and will serve the purpose , high on promise high on delivery , may have some side effect.
Apple (Side effects : Costly, theft prone, low chances of failing , brand image will make them addressing issues , if any quickly )
However of we don't select from these brands we will have unbranded product with nothing guaranteed at all.
Do we also select leaders like we choose our products? Election 2014 is a choice between select brands or unbranded products.