Showing posts with label delight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label delight. Show all posts

Monday, June 16, 2014

Standard Feedback Form for EVERY enterprise !

Deigning feedback form is an art. These artists are rare.  

Its is not about HOW your company and your people are performing on a defined internal parameters. Customers are not interested in doing people evaluation job of your HR team. Do not limit their thinking by thinking of your feedback form designing team. 

It is all about how your company is achieving fulfillment of customers' need with ease and delight. Your questions should be framed to know all these three aspects and nothing else. 

Three questions with reasons of their answer. Period.

- Was the purpose of doing business with us achieved? 
- Was it easy to deal with us?
- Was the entire experience of dealing with us delightful?

Answer option should be either YES or NO.

This should be the standard feedback form all across the business. Let your customers speak and write more not your enterprise. Give them freedom to evaluate your performance from their perspective and not from your perspective. 

This is applicable to both customers and suppliers. 

Monday, July 15, 2013

Business Process & Drained Customer Experience

When was the last time your business processes were realigned keeping customer experience in mind ?

Do you know business processes are the major culprit in creating damaging customer experience ? 

When fulfilling a customer need - business processes can play a key role in making it happen with ease , speed and delight. 

Process complexity delays the delivery , irritates the customers , break the relations and customer looks for elsewhere. 

Business process mastery can give you competitive advantage. Flipkart is the shining example of process mastery. Their enviable TAT is the result of process mastery keeping customer at the center of the process design.  Whatever the processes employed customer gets speedy delivery. 

Huge money invested to built brand on media , huge money invested in technology and logistics. However before they built brand through media there was already word of mouth online brand building happening through customers. Media helped them to achieve tipping point but ground work was kept ready through their superior logistics for only one product - Books. 

There are plenty of leakage points in offering superior customer experience but business process is the critical part which makes or breaks the business. Business process re-engineering which keeps customer's need and not company's need at the core archives what the company ultimately wants - superior PROFIT through superior CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE.    

" You have got to start with CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE and work backward for technology , process & people"  Steve Jobs.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Icing on the Cake is fine but not at the cost of Cake

Customer Experience is not just about DELIGHT.
Reduction in complaints is also better customer experience.
Delighting while failing in the basics will not work. Customer wants solution to the problem quickly and in simplest possible way. Making it extremely simple and quicker is also great customer experience.
Need, ease and delight is the order companies must follow to travel experience journey.
Icing on the Cake is fine but not at the cost of Cake.

Homework for TODAY and Everyday

Need : Recheck whether your offerings are fulfilling the NEED of the customer TODAY. (yesterday was different)
Ease: Remove all obstacles from the way which creates difficulty, takes longer time, requires greater effort for customers to reach you for whatever the reason. EASE of doing business with suppliers is critical for all customers. (for all B to X  businesses)
Delight: & yes, DELIGHT on top will make the day not only for customers but also for suppliers. (Who doesn’t like repeat business, word of mouth referral opportunity, free of cost brand building?)
Home work for the day – Check the above reality TODAY and everyday as TODAY’s need, ease and delight for your customers may not be the same tomorrow.