Friday, January 18, 2013

Means of Mass Irritation

To better customer experience BAN all out bound call centers. Your brand experience is getting diluted by mindless calls. 

I know some reputed brands having lousy call center policy which irritates. Irritates recipient of your calls. Outbound call centers irritates more than it can sell.

Sometimes irrelevant things not given attention drowns the entire experience. Don’t leave anything to chance and out of your customer experience design spectrum.

Bottom line : Your customer experience is as good as your weakest link in the chain/touch-points.

Icing on the Cake is fine but not at the cost of Cake

Customer Experience is not just about DELIGHT.
Reduction in complaints is also better customer experience.
Delighting while failing in the basics will not work. Customer wants solution to the problem quickly and in simplest possible way. Making it extremely simple and quicker is also great customer experience.
Need, ease and delight is the order companies must follow to travel experience journey.
Icing on the Cake is fine but not at the cost of Cake.

Homework for TODAY and Everyday

Need : Recheck whether your offerings are fulfilling the NEED of the customer TODAY. (yesterday was different)
Ease: Remove all obstacles from the way which creates difficulty, takes longer time, requires greater effort for customers to reach you for whatever the reason. EASE of doing business with suppliers is critical for all customers. (for all B to X  businesses)
Delight: & yes, DELIGHT on top will make the day not only for customers but also for suppliers. (Who doesn’t like repeat business, word of mouth referral opportunity, free of cost brand building?)
Home work for the day – Check the above reality TODAY and everyday as TODAY’s need, ease and delight for your customers may not be the same tomorrow.