Wednesday, November 8, 2017

24 must read posts on Fitness, Wellness, & Happiness

Every online reader is busy making new contacts, career move and expand their area of influence. However, everyone agrees there is a life beyond networking, career, job, and business.
At the end of the day, we all are after Happiness, present, and future. This is a Blog about Fitness, Wellness, and Happiness. These are intangibles we all miss in a daily life but aspire for every day.
Some of the blog posts you might have missed are;
This is the only place you get relevant posts on Fitness, Wellness and Happiness at one place
In the material world around us, subscribe the blog and get your dose of Fitness | Wellness | Happiness in your inbox. You will feel happier. Your Happiness quotient will improve

Monday, October 30, 2017

In pursuit of Happiness - Minimalism

Caution: This could be a life-changing read.

“Often it is those who live quietly, modestly, and contentedly with a simple life who are the happiest.”  Joshua Becker 

The biggest obstacle to our happiness is our wrong definition of happiness. If we define something wrong then we will struggle for it, but never will be able to achieve it.

We have beliefs that MORE is necessary for happiness. More money, more things, more houses, more foreign tours, more power, more fame, more, more, and only more is our prerequisite for happiness.  Continue reading...

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Must attend Free online healthcare courses

“The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge.” Bertrand Russell
We are living in exciting times. The internet is the reason for this excitement. Many things which we wanted to learn can now be learned not only online but for free. There are online giants like Khan Academy, Future Learn, Udemy, Coursera and many such online educators offer free as well as paid courses on very interesting subjects. Here I am discussing healthcare related courses which we all need to take up to become better aware of our physical and mental health. Click to know about the courses:

Friday, October 6, 2017

12 reasons to correct your body posture

A good stance and posture reflect a proper state of mind.”  Morihei Ueshiba
(A martial artist and founder of the Japanese martial art of Aikido.)
Most of us are not aware of the importance of the right body postures. We never ever realised there is something like right and wrong postures and we can do something about the wrong postures to make it right.

Posture at birth + Faulty Lifestyle = Wrong and Poor Posture
Posture at birth + Exercise + Correct Lifestyle = Good and Correct Posture ....Continue reading..

Why EQ matter more than IQ?

Emotional intelligence is the ability to sense, understand, and effectively apply the power and acumen of emotions as a source of human energy, information, connection, and influence.  -Robert K. Cooper, PhD
When Daniel Goleman’s the books titled Emotional Intelligence and Working with Emotional Intelligence was first published in 1995 and 1998 respectively, Emotional Intelligence was considered a very relevant subject. We all learned how high IQ can get punctured in the absence of EQ. However, in the post dot-com IT era when we have a life more competitive and more stressful, the subject of EQ needs revisiting. Continue reading..