Leaders can inspire but it is the local leader at
the voters touch points who can drives votes. Only leaders
without right followers cant win elections. Mass leader with right candidate is
the killer mix.
Right Candidate
(non corrupt , performing perception & great people skill)
Likely Win |
Mostly Wins |
Wrong Candidate
(corrupt , non performing perception )
Mostly Loses |
Likely Lose |
Election Matrix
(Qualities of candidates and leaders are in relation to its opponent)
Uninspiring leader
at the top
( Incapable, uninspiring, corrupt & ineffective & non
inclusive image)
Inspiring Leader at the top
( Inspiring { thought leader , communicator} , capable, non corrupt,
effective, executor, inclusive image )
The above matrix is not only applicable to political parties
but also to all businesses. Howsoever strong leadership you may have
at the top if your ground level customer focus managers are
failing company will be in trouble.
People will become customers if they see Richard Bronson at
the top but soon they will disappear if the touch point manager/staff is
uninspiring. Only dependency on right and inspiring leadership is
not going to yield the desired result.