Company Board is Responsible to the Share Holders. Rest all are responsible to the CUSTOMERS.However internal focus of the company and designations in vogue is making life complicated and working in silos a norm. If the tone at the top is CUSTOMER and it percolates down suitably at all levels , it can change the meaning for the PEOPLE in the company especially in big positions. I have attempted to change the status quo just by changing the meaning of the designations by making it end result centric.
Here I go .........
1) Chief Executive Officer - Chief Customer Experience Officer
2) Chief Operation Officer - Chief Delivery Officer
3) Chief HR/People Officer- Chief Happiness Officer
4) Chief Marketing Officer - Chief Brand Officer
5) Chief Sales Officer - Chief Fulfillment Officer
6) Chief Technology Officer - Chief Enabling Officer
7) Chief Public Relation Officer - Chief Image Officer
8) Chief Knowledge Officer - Chief Intelligence Officer
9) Chief Product Officer - Chief Customer Officer
10) Chief Procurement Officer - Chief Quality Officer
11) Chief Finance Officer - Chief Profit Officer
12) Chief Internal Auditor - Chief Sustenance Officer
13) Chief Compliance Officer - Chief Governance Officer
14) Chief Belief Officer (
Future Group does have one) -
Chief Culture Officer
15) Chief Strategy Officer - Chief Competitive Officer
16) Chief Innovation Officer - Chief Future Officer
Even if they start looking at their designations, mind set will start transform-ing.
Readers may add many more CXOs and suggest even appropriate names to the one given above. Let the winds of change take over our enterprises.