Volunteering ends when desire for credit and thanks exceeds desire to do selfless work.
Yes many people whom we assume to be doing social work , selfless work are suffering from deep desire to get recognition, deep desire to get credit of their work in public, deep desire to get some direct & indirect benefit out of it.
Mostly these are the people who talk about principles and ethics every now and then. They demonstrate by their words how mush they care about the institution they are working for. Ethics, truth, straight talks , I swear are some of the words of their vocabulary to camouflage their deep desire.
Just remove them from their post and see how their opinion & vocabulary changes. All institutions are stuffed with this kind of people. Society is more in danger from these people as others are known dangers but these people are unknown & hidden dangerous insiders.
Volunteering means selfless work, desire for credit and public recognition ends selflessness and it becomes Give and Take business as usual.