Showing posts with label reactive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reactive. Show all posts

Thursday, December 20, 2012

We the (reactive) People:

We the (reactive) People: 
1) Cigarette Smoking  is Injurious to health & can cause Cancer.
2) Going to Gym and doing Exercise is good and must for Fitness, else disease and medicine dependent life 
3) Right eating is important for healthy life , else obesity , dependency, diseases 
4) Customer Experience is the sustainable competitive advantage else low margin, redundant business , possibility to go out of business  
Two things r common in all the above 4 statements.
First – Everyone know this.   Second - Hardly many takes action to get the benefits of the knowledge
Why:  Why we don’t ACT even if we know what is right and dangers of doing wrong ? 
Love for Status-Quo & Procrastination. Unless we forced to ACT even when the action is for the survival, we don’t ACT. All of us like to Re-Act to the situation. Most do not like to Pro-Act.
When we are diagnosed with cancer , we leave cigarette immediately.
When we are diagnosed with some diseases or become obsess we go to gym and eat right food.
When we are about to go out of business , all options are over , margins are shrinking , competitor/innovation has taken over our market share – we react and focus of better customer experience creation.
Stephen Covey of The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People will tell you that the very first habit is to be proactive. Covey explained that to be proactive “means more than merely taking initiative.  It means that as human beings, we are responsible for our own lives.  Our behavior is a function of our decisions, not our conditions.”
Be it business or personal level, we refuse to be PROACTIVE. Circumstances will force us to ACT.
Customer Experience is the most important thing every business CEOs and Entrepreneurs agrees/understands but where is the FORCE? Where is the compulsion ? Waiting for PRO to turn RE, is too costly , yes very costly and sometime FATAL.
Diagnosis Test for Status of Customer Experience : 
- Our company has customer experience statement
- Our business Process Team work Closely with Customer Experience Team
- Our advertising/marketing messages matches with experience our product/service offers to our customers. We make it sure.
-  Our people know the impact they create on the customer experience
- Our top management participates in customer issues/complaints/initiatives
- Our distribution channels are trained on company’s customer policy
- We measure customer experience our company creates.
If  answer to the most of the above statements are NO,  your company is already suffering Customer Experience leakages &  call for action is loud and clear.

Do you think your company is proactive in the matter of customer experience initiatives?