Emotional Intelligence – one of the best selling books by Danial Goleman, Emotional Campaigns like McDonald’s campaign says I am loving it (not about rational need of taste, delivery, ambiance or people) . Zappos .com slogan is Delivering Happiness (what shoe retailer has to do with customer happiness? Ask Tony CEO of Zapoos.com or read his book Delivering Happiness. Happiness is the highest form of emotions, check pyramid below.) , KBC previous and present versions are based on emotional stories of the participants. Its now less on prize money and more focus on human emotional stories. Author of the book The New Leaders Says
” Acknowledge Emotions, Hire for Emotions, Evaluate for Emotions, Promote for Emotions, Lead by Emotions, Follow by Emotions, Sell Emotions ” .
Emotions are most important factor in every human being. French thinker had said ” Our rational decisions are driven by our emotions. ”
Elite companies have started using emotions in their campaigns. But is it enough? Unless customers see similar signs in the offerings they will neither become loyal nor advocates of the brand. Where do we put our loyalty in our personal life? Of-course with family and friends with whom we have emotional associations and not just rational.
Therefore when we talk about customer experience, unless we focus and map emotions of customers at every touch points , we are failing in true measurement of customer experience. This is the reason perhaps we have experience of commoditsation of most of the products and services. Every companies are focused on efficiency of processes, cost cutting, call centers outsourcing , appointment of Customer Service people and many such things. Every companies are doing the same level of improvement and end result is commodity product for customers. But now what next?
How about changing company culture ? How about measuring customer emotions and mapping it for desired outcome?
When we are dealing with any aspects of human being we have to consider human being as a whole i.e rational, emotional and subconscious. Present system of customer service or very little experience measures rational aspects of customer service or experience. However customer always experience company offerings and moments of contacts with emotional and subconscious mind also.
(Pyramid developed by Beyond Philosophy- Which emotions creates value and which ones destroy )
Put your organisation on NPS driven performance measurement. Business growth is limited part of the story , NPS lead growth is what companies must aim for sustenance. NPS will only grow reasonably if customer experience is bettered on every given day with holistic approach of mapping emotional behavior of the customers. It enables the organisation to become sensitive and designing emotion altering customer experience for desired end results. Measuring & Mapping emotions is the new regular.
Its a win win win for all the stake holders i.e. company , customer and society at large. Emotions are contagious. Happy and pleased customers will spread the feelings and emotions along with company brand. How are you feeling today?
Share your stories and emotions with brands you have encountered. Brands could be company or individual.