1) Appoint Chief Customer Xperience Officer reporting to CEO. A MUST. (is there ne one in charge of end to end customer experience with yr brand ??? )
2) Critically evaluate all customer touch points. Whether they create memorability in some way for the end users?
3) Have online social media team (it cud be one man) in place to gather data on customer reviews of yr offerings. Spread awareness about yr brand and address complains & concerns of the customers. (At the speed of thought and not once a week)
4) Act on negative feedback to improve offerings and promote positive feedback. (Must be a part of all review meet)
5) Encourage happy customers to share their views online /offline.
6) During the year make sure to make feel your all customer very special at least once a year. Genuinely. Have events, special price, offer free tickets, alter their opinion about how far a company can go to please their customers.
7) If u r a public company, make it a point to include customer experience initiatives and customer speak out . part of yr annual report. Have measurability and measure it every year.
8) Proactive , proactive and proactive to know what customer feels and think about yr brand and offerings. Do whatever it takes to find out. Spend money as customers are going to be spoke person in the market when yr company does very good or very bad.
9) Everyone is the solution business. Therefore don't just limit your efforts plainly in what u offer. Try & solve customer problem which she wants to solve thru yr offerings.
10) Try and apply everything above from TODAY. Retained customer will attract new customers.
Whether yr customers are promoting yr brand?? If not, check out, you may be offering mediocre customer experience. No one wud like to tell others that they are consuming mediocre offerings but if they are enchanted they will go out and tell the whole world. Amitabh Bachchans, Sachin Tendlukars & Madhuri Dixits of the BRANDs have their FAN followings. Make yr brand one amongst them this YEAR.
Points taken fua..
ReplyDeleteGet Ready Anish to bring talk of the town offerings to d market. Cheers.